Collection of Antique Furniture, Gold Pieces and Interior Decorations
Ladislav Mednyánszky and Strážky
The exhibition of historical portraiture from the 17th—19th centuries
The Historical Library
The Historical Library was established by Gregor Horvath-Stansith, the only son of the founder of the Spiš branch of the family of Mark Horvath-Stansith. Its foundation is closely connected with the establishment of the grammar school for the children from aristocratic families from the Spiš region (1584). From its inception, it was one of the most significant schools in Hungary. The foundation of the school corresponded with the intellectual and cultural scope of the family members who were important Spiš landowners and scholars as well as knowledgeable dignitaries in judicature, education and the Church. In view of religion (in the 16th century the family converted to the Protestant faith), the first items from the library were mainly German books. In the course of the following centuries, the stock of books expanded thanks to the educated Chateau owners (Baltazár Horvath-Stansith, Imrich Horvath-Stansith, Baltazár Szirmay, Eduard Mednyánszky, Štefan Czóbel) and contained books written in Latin, French, English, Italian, Hungarian, Hebrew and other languages. Precious old prints, engravings, illustrations and bindings are part of the historical library.

In the year 2002 we commemorate the 150th anniversary of birth of Ladislav Mednyánszky. On the occasion of this anniversary, the Slovak National Gallery presents a convolute of 64 paintings and 17 drawings, acquired in 2000, in a redesigned permanent exhibition, which greatly modifies the oeuvre of this great artist representing Slovak painting of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.







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