Guided Tours
Kids Creative Workshops
SNG Bratislava
Activation programme for children of preschool and school age in the expositions of SNG and exhibitions, aimed to engage them intimately with fine art through development of their own creativity and close contact with exhibited works, through commentary, visual analysis and interpretation, collective activity based on play, where the participant isn't just a observer, but a adventurer on the quest to gain knowledge about the work and himself. The children explore the world of images, artist's world and foremost his own world through visual art and its means (play, music, movement, dramatization).
The Animation event are cyclic, take place two times in week - on Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00 and last approximately 90 minutes.

Topics of animation programme for permanent exhibitions:

Permanent exhibition Gothic Art in Slovakia
Discovering the gothic Madonna - her smile, position, gesture
Gothic sculpture - introduction into the gothic world and thinking through gothic sculpture
Book as a altar, altar as a book - exploring the gothic table painting
The story of St. Katarina and other saints - legends and attributes of saints in the works of gothic masters
Betlehem's star - the story of Jesus birth and portrayal of him in Slovak gothic art

Permanent exhibition Baroqe Art in Slovakia
Faces from paintings - aimed at portrayal of man in baroque painting
Biblical stories - search for and exploration of baroque painting in relation to baroque music
F. X. Messcherschmidt's work - man and his character features

16th – 18th Century European Art
Dutch and flemish painting from 17th centuty - P. Wouwermann's work

19th Century Art in Slovakia
On portrait - 19th century art in Slovakia, with focus on man and his portrayal
Sounds of landscape - Slovak landscape in the work of 19th century painters
Romanticism and realism in art and literature from 19th century in Slovakia -
connecting visual culture history with Slovak literature.

Please send the orders for animations at least 14 days in advance









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