Aleš Votava
1. December 2006 - 25. February 2007
Flying Dutchmen
14. December 2006 - 18. Marec 2007
Restored Works of Art from the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery
Francesco Furini - Mária Magdaléna

January 2007 - December 2007
From the Aquisitions of Contemporarz Art
Objects & Installations

8. Marec 2007 - August 2007
David Hockney: Words&Pictures
Four Print Portfolios 1961-1977

21. Marec 2007 - 3. June 2007
One Hundred 17th Century Italian Drawings
Collection of A. Martin Lublinský The Scientific Library of Olomouc

6. April 2007 - 24. June 2007
Milan Bočkay
Dolphin in the Forest or the Praise of Paradox

18. April 2007 - 29. July 2007
Form Follows... Risk
14. August 2007 - 14. October 2007
Lost Time?
Slovakia 1969 – 1989 in Documentary Photography

31. October 2007 - 2. Marec 2008
The Return of Štefan Schwartz
6. December 2007 - 17. February 2008
Insita 2007
SNG, Esterházy Palace, 3. floor, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 4, Bratislava
24. June 2007 - 30. September 2007
Slovenské národné múzeum, Výstavný pavilón, Žižkova ul.

Exhibition conception Katarína Čierna, Roger Cardinal, Laurent Danchin, Nina Krstićová a Nico van der Endt
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition - Insita 2007 | Photoreport - Insita 2007 | Magic Architecture | Insita 2007 - The Winners

Reuben Emilio Lake - Bez názvu, nedatované

Grzegorz Sienkiewicz - Únos Sabínok, 2004

The international triennial exhibition of INSITA is the only international event of its kind focusing on the presentation of unschooled artistic expression – Naïve Art, Art Brut and Outsider Art.
It includes the following sections:
The monographic collection of the winner of the Grand Prix Insita 2004, V. T. Romanenko, a Russian artist whose multi-figure geometric compositions are characteristic of distinctive mythology and spontaneous linear execution, the exhibition of exceptional European collections and important figures (M. Gill, G. Tessier and other artists) whose works range from expressive dynamic structures to primary formal expressions. A specific thematic exhibition, Magical Architecture, set in the historical context, will present the works of twenty leading European unschooled artists) Adolf Wölfli, Karl Junker, Nikifor and other practitioners).

Barbarian - Od mraku do svitu I., 2003

Dorte Marcussen - Volden Aarhus, 2006


Aloise - Šaty lásky Márie Stuartovej
S. Sekulic - Deer City, 1947
G. Tessier (Francúzsko) - Jean Paul Belmondo, nedatované




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