Lost Time?
Slovakia 1969 – 1989 in Documentary Photography

31. October 2007 - 2. Marec 2008
The Return of Štefan Schwartz
6. December 2007 - 17. February 2008
Czech and Slovak Glass in Exile
27. February 2008 - 11. May 2008
Rudolf Sikora. On one’s own account against oneself
1. April 2008 - 15. June 2008
111 Works of Art from the SNG collection
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
All about the Museum
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
Open for 60 Years
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
2. Russian avant-garde. Non-conformists from the Bar-Gera collections
14. November 2008 - 22. February 2009
Organizers: SNG and civic asociation Syntesia
Curators: Katarína Bajcurová, Alexandra Kusá
This exhibition will present to the Slovak audiences the unknown production of non-official Soviet artists, the so-called Second Russian Avant-Garde, from 1955-1988: art which at the time was opposing the Soviet regime. The main slogan of the artists – the non-conformists – was to maintain and defend the right to artistic freedom and independence during the difficult times of harassments and the persecution of citizens. The collection, built from the sixth decade of the twentieth century onward, contains unique pieces of art by artists who have become globally famous today, and covers several generations of them, including V. Nemuchin, V. Jakovlev, E. Neizvestnyj, I. Kabakov, I. Čujkov, E. Bulatov, V. Jankilevskij, F. Infante, and others. These artworks were smuggled out of the USSR through different illegal and semi-illegal ways. Thus, the collection is rich in its authenticity, not only due to the artistic taste of the owners, but also due to strong (anti-totalitarian) political attitudes.


Vagrič Bachčarjan - Telegram č. 2., 1972
Vladimír Jakovlev - Horský kvet, 1969
Ilja Kabakov - Malá galéria, 1967
Sergej Šablavin - Z cyklu Ruský kaleidoskop, 1984
Sergej Šablavin - Moskva, 1976
Oleg Celkov - Portrét, 1976
Sergej Izko - Prúdenie z centra, 1973






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