Ľudovít Fulla - Work
Curator Katarína Bajcurová
After the exhibition of collected work by Ľudovít Fulla in Bratislava, the Slovak National Gallery presents a new permanent exhibition of the artist's life and work at the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok, based on the collection presented to the state by the artist. Ľudovít Fulla (1902-1980) joined in a unique way the stimuli from European avant-garde painting with the inspirations from Slovak folk art, icon painting and children's expression. His original and authentic language displayed a synthesis of rational, constructive composition of form and rich emotional colour. He studied at the School of Applied Arts in Prague under Professors Hofbauer and Kysela (1922-1927). After 1927 he was teaching in Slovakia. In 1929-1939 he was professor at the Bratislava School of Arts and Crafts, the educational institution close in its progressive ideas to the German Bauhaus. In this period he co-operated with Mikuláš Galanda and they published the Private Letters, the first and only manifesto of modern Slovak painting. His painting Song and Labour won the Grand Prix at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. In 1949-1952 Fulla chaired the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting at the newly founded Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava. In 1962 he was compelled to leave the school for political reasons. In 1949-1952 he lived in Žilina, where he established his personal gallery. From the year 1962 he lived and worked in Ružomberok. In the years 1966 and 1977 he presented to the state a large part of his work, which was to be displayed in the newly built Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok (open to the public in 1969). He was engaged in painting, graphic art, drawing, set design and book illustration. The artist's studio and study are also open to the public.


Ľ. Fulla - Pieseň a práca
Ľ. Fulla - Slnko nad kostolom
Ateliér ľ. Fullu
Pracovný stôl Ľ. Fullu




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