Lost Time?
Slovakia 1969 – 1989 in Documentary Photography

31. October 2007 - 2. Marec 2008
The Return of Štefan Schwartz
6. December 2007 - 17. February 2008
Czech and Slovak Glass in Exile
27. February 2008 - 11. May 2008
Rudolf Sikora. On one’s own account against oneself
1. April 2008 - 15. June 2008
111 Works of Art from the SNG collection
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
Open for 60 Years
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
2. Russian avant-garde. Non-conformists from the Bar-Gera collections
14. November 2008 - 22. February 2009
All about the Museum
SNG, Esterházy Palace, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 4, Bratislava
27. June 2008 - 5. October 2008
The 60th anniversary of the founding of the SNG

The topic of an art museum in the artworks of visual artists was topical in Slovak art mainly in the ninth decade of the twentieth century, but considerable attention is also given to this theme today. The name of the exhibition, Všetko o múzeu – All about the Museum, refers (with a specific dose of irony) to various manuals, as the exhibition represents a synthesis of various authors’ attitudes on the topic. Except for works by artists of the younger generation from the last few years, it presents selected art pieces from as far back as the second half of the 1960s, up to the 1980s (V. Popovič, R. Sikora, J. Koller). These artists respond to the institutional functioning of galleries, museums, exhibitions, and curators, revealing related aspects in a critical manner while reviewing the theme. Issues with regard to the relations between artists and galleries, or art and galleries or museums of art, are openly interpreted. This exhibition presents both the artists who deal with the theme intensely, and those who have merely touched it in a sporadic way. A rather frequent target is the host of this exhibition itself, the Slovak National Gallery.


Július Koller - Nevýstava (Antihappening), 1969
Stano Masár - Collection Curators: Helena Kontova, 2007
Roman Ondák - Muzeum/sklad, 1999
Richard Fajnor - HangArt, 2004 - 2005.
Richard Fajnor - HangArt, 2004 - 2005.
Olja Triaška Stefanovič - For Rent, 2003 - 2008
Peter Ronai - Big Brother, 1999
Milan Tittel - Vernisáž, 2000. Animácia Juraj Dudáš. 2006
Dorota Sadovská - Anti-portréty kurátoriek súčasného výtvarného umenia v SNG: Anti-portrét Katarína M., Anti-portrét Beata J., Anti-portrét Alexandra K., Anti-portrét Vladimíra B., 2008




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