Slovak Myth
30. September 2005 - 28. February 2006
Mary of Hungary
2. February 2006 - 30. April 2006
Vladimír Havrilla
23. Marec 2006 - 4. June 2006
Artworks from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art of Saint - Étienne Métropole
7. April 2006 - 28. May 2006
Andy Warhol – the Last Return of the King of Pop Art So Far
17. May 2006 - 15. June 2006
20. June 2006 - 3. September 2006
Japanese Colour Woodblock Prints

7. September 2006 - 5. November 2006
Jindřich Štreit. Photography 1965–2005
Calendars for Jindra Štreit

20. September 2006 - 12. November 2006
Something Happened – Aspects of New Narratives
27. September 2006 - 26. November 2006
Aleš Votava
1. December 2006 - 25. February 2007
Flying Dutchmen
14. December 2006 - 18. Marec 2007
Figures and Episodes from the Old Testament
From Dürer to Chagall

Esterházy Palace, 3st floor
25. May 2006 - 20. August 2006
Exhibition curators Ivan Rusina, Marian Zervan
Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition “Episodes from the Old Testament - Iconography. From Dürer to Chagall”
At the turn of 2001, the Slovak National Gallery held an exhibition entitled "Episodes from the New Testament", accompanied by a catalogue with the same title. The exhibition "Figures and Episodes from the Old Testament" is a free continuation of this pictorial project. The conception is based on seventy-five themes most frequently depicted in art and linked to the main characters and heroes of the Old Testament (The Creation, Adam and Eve, The Flood, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, The Judges, Saul, David, Solomon, The Prophets, Job, Tobias, Esther). Every theme of this exhibition, similar to the New Testament, will be documented in at least one or more Slovak or European artworks from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century. The exhibition focuses on the paintings, graphic prints and sculptures from the collections of the Slovak National Gallery and the works loaned from Slovak and foreign collections.



A. Belopotocký - The Dreams of Joseph, after 1800




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