Invitation to the opening of the exhibition The Return of Štefan Schwartz
6. December 2007 17:00
Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition - Lost Time? Slovakia 1969 - 1989 in Documentary Photography
30. October 2007 18:00
Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition - Form Follows...Risk
14. August 2007 18:00
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition - Insita 2007
23. June 2007 17:00
Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition -
One Hundred 17th Century Italian Drawings Collection of A. Martin Lublinský The Scientific Library of Olomouc

5. April 2007 17:00
David Hockney: Words&Pictures
Four Print Portfolios 1961-1977

20. Marec 2007 17:00
Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition Autopoesis
1 st - 2nd floor of Esterházy Palace, Námestie Ľ. Štúra 4, Bratislava
20. June 2006 18:00
Curated by Zora Rusinová
Slovak National Gallery

Requests the pleasure of your company at the grand opening of the exhibition

The exhibition will be open until 3 September 2006

The project has been prepared wit the support of

The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic
Embassy of the USA, Bratislava
České centrum Bratislava
Institut Francais de Bratislava
A Magyar Köztársaság Kulturális Intézete Bratislava
Instytut Polski Bratislava
Österreichisches Kulturforum Bratislava






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