Aleš Votava
1. December 2006 - 25. February 2007
Flying Dutchmen
14. December 2006 - 18. Marec 2007
Restored Works of Art from the Collection of the Slovak National Gallery
Francesco Furini - Mária Magdaléna

January 2007 - December 2007
From the Aquisitions of Contemporarz Art
Objects & Installations

8. Marec 2007 - August 2007
David Hockney: Words&Pictures
Four Print Portfolios 1961-1977

21. Marec 2007 - 3. June 2007
One Hundred 17th Century Italian Drawings
Collection of A. Martin Lublinský The Scientific Library of Olomouc

6. April 2007 - 24. June 2007
Milan Bočkay
Dolphin in the Forest or the Praise of Paradox

18. April 2007 - 29. July 2007
Insita 2007
24. June 2007 - 30. September 2007
Form Follows... Risk
14. August 2007 - 14. October 2007
The Return of Štefan Schwartz
6. December 2007 - 17. February 2008
Lost Time?
Slovakia 1969 – 1989 in Documentary Photography

SNG, Esterházy Palace, 1st and 2nd floors, Nám. Ľ. Štúra 4, Bratislava
31. October 2007 - 2. Marec 2008
Curators: Petra Hanáková, Aurel Hrabušický
Sunday afternoons in SNG | Invitation for the opening of the Exhibition - Lost Time? Slovakia 1969 - 1989 in Documentary Photography
The exhibition and publication project focuses on documentary photography and photojournalism, presented on a limited scale at the major shows held at the Slovak National Gallery (Slovak Photography 1925-2000, Slovak Visual Arts 1970-1985). Documentary photography provides a visually attractive and relatively complex visual information about social life in Slovakia between 1969 and 1989, the beginning of the so-called normalisation and post-November events in 1989. The exhibition and the accompanying book centred on the documentation of life and the environment of various social groups and communities, providing they were an object of interest of photographers active in Slovakia in those times. The show will present themes such as public and private rituals, sociological portrait, man from Below the platform, building panel normalization, pictures of the old world, quite good fellows and many others.


J. Ondzík - Humenné, 1980
J. Sedlák - Recruitments, 1984
Ivan Bogdan - Zo súboru Portréty z 1. mája, 1978
Ján Budaj - Zo súboru Červená, 1981-1982
J. Foldyna - Zo súboru Ľudia z domova dôchodcov, 1987-88
K. Benický - Dedinský futbal, Liptov, 1980
Vladimír Hák - Zo súboru Sídlisko, 1985
Juraj Bartoš - Zo súboru Modra, okolo 1985
Jozef Lauruský - Na horizonte, 1986
Stano Pekár - Dievčatá od Rudavy, 1976
Ľudovít Meszároš - Spartakiáda, 1984-85
Peter Procházka - Malá speváčka (Darinka), 1981
Karol Benický - Trúchliace ženy - Pohronie, 1985
Miloš Vančo - Slávnosti na devíne, 1969
Drahotín Šulla - Príde?, 1972





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