Ondrej ŠteberlWay to the Field1968Oil, canvas, 97 x 132 cm
N 252
The most significant acquisitions of the Naïve Art Collection (selection)
1965 – purchase of the first 77 works of Slovak authors (Ondrej Šteberl, Anna Ličková, Zuzana Virághová, Juraj Lauko)
1966 – purchase of works of artists from the Slovak enclave in Serbia, Kovačica (Martin Jonáš, Ján Kňazovic, Zuzana Chalupová, Michal Bíreš, Ján Garaj, Ján Sokol, Martin Paluška, Ján and Ondrej Veňarský)
1967 – purchase of the first works of Czech artists (Natalie Schmidtová, Václav Žák, Cecilie Marková, Václav Beránek)
1968 – purchase of a larger collection of icons from Eastern Slovakia
1969 – purchase of a large collection of paintings on glass by Ferdinand and Alexander Salzman from Western Slovakia and a set of folk tombstones from the regions of Slovakia
1972 – donations from foreign authors exhibiting at the 3rd Triennial of Naïve Art ( Ilja Bosilj, Serbia, Valdomiro de Deus, Francesco da Silva, Brazil, Karl Willam Petit, Belgium, Pirko Lepistö, Finland)
1978 – purchase of a collection of paintings by Slovak author, Július Považan
1988 – purchase of a set of works by Slovak and Czech authors (Štefan Siváň, Mária Žilavá, Rudolf Dzurko)
1994 – donation of a collection of works by Italian authors on the occasion of the revived 4th Triennial of Naïve Art Insita 2004 (Udo Toniato, Enrico Benassi, Pietro Ghizzardi, Rina Nassi, etc.)
1995 – donation of a serigraphy set by Croatian artist Ivan Rabuzin
2004 – donation of works by foreign artists exhibiting at the 7th Triennial of Naïve Art Insita (Kiymet Benita Bock, Turkey/Germany, Vasilij Tichonovič Romanenkov, Russia, Elisabeth Gevaert, Germany, etc.)
2008 – donation of 55 works by Adam Nidzgorski, France and the purchase of the work of Czech artist, Anna Zemánková