The most significant exhibitions of the Naïve Art Collection (selection)

Axis Mundi (accompanying project to the History of Slovak Fine Art – 20th Century)
Curator: Katarína Čierna
Bratislava, GMB and GIU (Gallery of Naïve Art), Schaubmar’s Mill, Pezinok, (?) 2000

Ex Voto 2001
Curator: Katarína Čierna
Pezinok, GIU Schaubmar’s Mill and Bratislava, SNG, (?) 2001

Ľudovít Fulla and the World of Folk Art (accompanying project to the Ľudovít Fulla exhibition)
Curators: Oľga Danglová and Katarína Čierna
Pezinok, GIU, Schaubmar’s Mill and Ružomberok, Gallery of Ľudovít Fulla (GĽF), (?) 2002

Myth of Juraj Jánošík, or Jánošík-mania in Slovak Fine Art (accompanying project to the The Slovak Myth exhibition)
Curator: Katarína Čierna
Pezinok, GIU, Schaubmar’s Mill, (?) 2005 – (?) 2006

Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Curator: Katarína Čierna
Pezinok, GIU, Schaubmar’s Mill, (?) 2007 and Ružomberok, GĽF (?) 2008