Open Studio
OPEN STUDIO is an long term project of Studio of Ilona Németh (Department of Intermedia and Multimedia, Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava) based on bringing established and renowned artists and theoreticians as short-term tutors for the students of the intermedia department. Based on support of Franco- German Cultural Fund in 2015 is realized special edition Open Studio - French and German Edition during which will be invited two artists from Germany and two artists from France.
The priority of project Open Studio is to provide an alternative to the traditional forms of education, thinking and aspires to encourage young artists to develop their own and unique professional practice. Open Studio is a platform for practical and theoretical considerations, which reviews historical, social and intellectual assumptions of visual production. The special part of the project are public lectures in Slovak National Gallery in Berlinka. From the beginning of the project the invitation accepted guests like Ellen Driscoll (US), Jiří Kovanda (CZ), Bojana Pejic (SR), Zbigniew Libera (PL), Yevgeniy Fiks (US), Kathrin Rhomberg (AT), Arthur Zmijewski (PL), Edit Andras (HU), Laura Rajcovich-Creative Time (US), Claire Bishop (UK), Roman Ondák (SK), Judit Angel (RO), Josef Dabernig (AT), Suzanna Janin (PL), Giulia Ferracci (IT), Clemens von Wedemeyer (DE), Jan Zálešák (CZ) and others.
foto: Andrej Žabkay