Christoph Keller (1967 ) uses the discursive possibilities of art by exploring themes of science and its utopias and his installation resemble experimental configurations. Keller completed postgraduate studies at the Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne, previously studied mathematics and physics in Berlin and Santiago de Chile. As a visual artist, he has since then participated in many international exhibitions, among which the Lyon Biennale, Klimakapseln at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg, Biennale del Fin del Mundo in Argentina, do Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Musée des Abattoirs in Toulouse, Artfocus Jerusalem, Made in Germany or solo exhibitions at Kunstverein Braunschweig Observatory or in Centre Georges Pompidou, as well asmany others. His work has earned various awards and scholarships, among which Ars Viva price for art and science, PS1 scholarship in New York, Recollets - scholarship in Paris and BM - Value in Istanbul. Christoph Keller lives and works in Berlin.
Cloudbuster Project UshuaiaChristoph Keller