Because of the planned reconstruction of the premises in Bratislava, the Slovak National Gallery had to close down and move its permanent expositions. During the reconstruction, the Slovak National Gallery will carry out smaller exhibitions outside Bratislava in cooperation with its regional galleries to ensure that its collections do not remain hidden in depositories and out of the public eye. The collection of the art of the 19th century featuring the works of painters and sculptors active in our territory from 1800 to 1918 will be exhibited in the summer at the Central Slovak Gallery in Banská Bystrica. Visitors will be treated to the works of Jozef Czauczik, Ján Rombauer, Peter Michal Bohúň and Jozef Božetech Klemens, Ladislav Dunajský and Ladislav Mednyánszky, Dominik Skutecký, Alojz Stróbl, Ján Fadrusz and many others.
Between Academy and Modernism. Art of the 19th Century from the Collections of the Slovak National Gallery
July 11 to September 29, 2013
Opening: July 11, 2013, 5:00 p.m.
Stredoslovenská galéria (Central Slovak Gallery) in Banská Bystrica
Curator: Katarína Beňová
Peter Michal BohúňJán Francisciaround 1848-1850
Ladislav Mednyánszkyokolo 1890 – 1900
Ján Jakub Stunder1797
Dominik Skutecký1886