This exhibition is designed to be the most comprehensive selection of the best paintings of the Italian artists of the 16th to 18th centuries, predominantly from domestic collections. Various artistic opinions formed in the most influential painting schools and in mutually competing art centers will be presented through individual works. Several unique situations from the history of the concurrence of talent, initiatives and means, in addition to the high level, collective workshop production, which affected the course of modern European painting, will be presented through more than one hundred works.
The idea to organize an exhibition of the old Italian painting was inspired by several acquisitions, identifications and interpretations. The expositions that offered a rather historical cross section from the collections of old European painting were closed due to the planned reconstruction of the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava. This has enabled the unique accumulation of a larger number of works of art of Italian origin.
Italian Painting
June 21 – November 17, 2013
Esterházy Palace, 2nd floor
Curator: Zuzana Ludiková
Cesare GennariRepentant Mary MagdaleneAround 1662Bratislava, Slovak National Gallery
Pietro LiberiThe Annunciation1671 – 1674Bratislava, Slovak National Gallery
Francesco VanniMary MagdaleneAround 1600Bratislava, Slovak National Gallery
Giulio Cesare ProcacciniBaptism of ChristAround 1612Bratislava, Slovak National Gallery