Gustáv Mallý from the cycle Kolegovia | klasici slovenskej moderny (Colleagues / Classicists of the Slovak Modernism) at the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery
Dates: July 11 – September 22, 2013
Curator: Katarína Bajcurová
Each summer, the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery hosts an exhibition from the cycle Kolegovia | klasici slovenskej moderny (Colleagues / Classicists of the Slovak Modernism) featuring a selection of the works of one of the classics of Slovak Modernism and a contemporary of Fulla(Martin Benka, Gustáv Mallý, Miloš Alexander Bazovský, Mikuláš Galanda, Imro Weiner-Kráľ and others). In addition to displaying the top work of each artist, these exhibitions highlight possible mutual relations, “influences”, inspirations. This year’s exhibition (the second in the series following the exhibition of Martin Benka) is dedicated to the work of Gustáv Mallý and focuses on his work created at the height of his career in the 1930s. All exhibitions are composed of works from the Slovak National Gallery.
Gustáv MallýSelf-Portrait1924