Specialized creative workshops, animations and school in the gallery

Book Illustration in Literary Works for Children and Youth
Coloring of black and white reproductions, examples of illustrated literature for children and youth from the library collection in Strážky. The topic is for children of kindergartens and basic schools.

Coat of Arms of the Horváth-Stansith Family
Getting acquainted with the notion of coats of arms and heraldry, with the elementary heraldic rules. In the working part, producing cardboard models (designs) of the coat of arms of the Horváth-Stansith family. The topic is for children from elementary schools.

We create and illustrate Fairy Tales (Little Writer of Fairy Tales and Illustrator)
Creating new fairy tales. The aim of this topic is to develop students’ sense of fantasy.

Fall in Strážky
Creation of mini-collages inspired by the park at Strážky and the landscape work of Ladislav Mednyánszky.

Studies of Trees
Creation of large cardboard assemblages – “studies of trees” inspired by the work of Ladislav Mednyánszky.

Architecture – Strážky Mansion
Getting acquainted with Spiš Renaissance architecture and its characteristic features. In the working part of this meeting, the coloring of paper models of the Strážky Mansion according to one’s own fantasy.

For more information plese contact:
Administrator: Mária Šelepová
Phone: 00-421-52-45 81 312, +45 81 152
Fax: 00-421-52-45 81 312
E-mail: strazky@sng.sk