Ján MathéFruit of Life1995Cast, bronze, h. 54 cm
P 2662
The most significant works of the Modern and Contemporary Plastic Art Collection (selection)
The most significant acquisitions of the Modern and Contemporary Painting Collection (selection)
Anton Jasusch: The Life Cycle – Migration of Souls, 1922 – 1924, oil, canvas, 268 x 291 cm
O 2699
Martin Benka: In the Field, 1934, oil, canvas, 140 x 115 cm
O 676
Mikuláš Galanda: Mother (Pink Madonna), 1933, oil, canvas, 54.6 x 45.5 cm
O 5240
Ľudovít Fulla: Song and Labour, 1934 – 1935, oil, canvas, 165 x 200.5 cm
OP 10
Július Koller: Anti-Picture (The Question Mark), 1969, latex, textile, 95 x 89 cm
O 6683