Exhibition Preparation (Karol Vaculík)Archive SNG80s
Production of Projects and Exhibitions
The Department of Project and Exhibition Production works on the preparation, organization and implementation of permanent expositions and its own and loaned exhibitions on the premises of the SNG and abroad according to the requests of curators of the collections of old, modern and contemporary art. In addition to activities connected with the preparation and installation of exhibitions and expositions, this department is also involved in the managerial and editorial preparation of publications for permanent expositions, exhibitions and accompanying, educational and promotional events of the SNG. The Department is also responsible for the physical implementation of permanent expositions and exhibition projects. The department employs specialized workers – arrangers and mounters – who closely cooperate with the operations of the gallery. The department administers specialized tools necessary for the performance, proposes further purchases and together with the production, designs the schedule of the building of exhibitions with regard to the approved exhibition plan in the given year. It actively designs solutions and techniques to fulfil the ideas of exhibition curators and architects.
Head of Department
Palčová Monika, Mgr.
Department Staff
Bartošová Katarína
Kuchárová Irena, Mgr.
Sedlačík Rastislav, Mgr. art, ArtD.
Matuchovič Mário
Sekeráš Róbert
Rakovický Viliam, Mgr.
Pavešec Cyril
Degma Štefan
Slovak National Gallery
Production of Projects and Exhibitions
Riečna 1, 815 13 Bratislava
Tel.: 00-421-2- 20 47 62 68 (production of projects and exhibitions)
Tel.: 00-421-918 65 76 81 (production of editorial outputs)