Sculpture, the most physically demanding artistic discipline, has been traditionally perceived as the domain of men. Female sculptors, their names, artwork and contributions are often unknown, nameless and almost invisible even today. In addition to the gender issue, this exhibition of female artists who completed their academic study in sculpture reflects political and social aspects which were crucial in the forming of their creative approaches. They are represented not only through their works, but also through historical documents presenting their faces, personalities, upbringing, identity and spheres of activities. Their sculpting techniques and materials and the context of the social background and period atmosphere are also revealed. In addition to “high” sculpture, this exhibition also features utilitarian variations (jewelry, interior decorative items) which provided sanctuary to female sculptors in the interwar period – a possibility to escape to a highly “feminine” zone of creativity.
Women Sculptors. Selection of Significant Czech & Slovak Sculptors
April, 10 – August 16, 2015
Slovak National Gallery, Esterházy Palace, Námestie Ľ. Štúra 4, Bratislava
Curator: Vladimíra Büngerová
Architect: Patrik Kovačovský
Graphic visual of the exhibition and catalogue: Boris Meluš
Portrait of Dagmar Rosůlková - Kubíkovákoniec 30. rokov
Part of the exhibition are also audio recordings of the texts from authentic documents of selected women sculptors. Spoken word adds to the atmosphere of their work with life stories, circumstances and creative thinking. Texts were dramaturgically chosen not as biographical medallions of individual authors, but in such a way that would complement the exposure purpose and themes of separate exhibition rooms. Thanks to civil female voices it is possible to take a look at intimate considerations, poetry and expert evaluations. They are a testimony on the authors as personalities, as artists, and as women.
A 160-page-catalogue was published for the exhibition, which includes a study by the curator Vladimira Büngerová on the Czech-Slovak women sculptors, an interview with the art historian and theoretician Ľuba Belohradská and a rich pictorial documentation.
Julie Horová - Kováčiková1954Obálka časopisu Slovenka
List of exhibiting authors:
Hana Wichterlová (1903 – 1990), Alžbeta Čereyová (1906 – ?), Jolana Kirczová (1909 – 1936), Julie Horová-Kováčiková (1906 – 1978), Marie Bartoňková-Drábková (1908 – 1993), Dagmar Rosůlková (1909 – 1998), Věra Janoušková (1922 – 2010), Eugénia Lugsová (1923 – 2013), Alina Ferdinandy (1926 – 1974), Erna Masarovičová (1926 – 2008), Eva Kmentová (1928 – 1980), Jarmila Podzimková-Mráčková (1928 – 1981), Vlasta Prachatická (1929), Klára Pataki (1930), Anna Drobná (1931 – 2007), Mária Bartuszová (1936 – 1996)
Julie Horová - Kováčiková1934 – 1935
Dagmar Rosůlková - Kubíková1950
Ladislav Guderna1951
Alina Ferdinandy pri tvorbe bustyArchív výtvarného umenia SNG Bratislava
Erna Masarovičová1959
Marie Bartoňková-Drábková1969
Eva Kmentová1968
Mária Bartuszová1974
Käthe Kollwitzová1916
Käthe Kollwitzová1920
Mária Bartuszová1980 –1989
Záber z ateliéru Kláry PatakiovejFoto: Martin Dӧkereš
Mária BartuzováFoto: Zdeněk Smieško