The New Slovakia – (the Difficult) Birth of The New Lifestyle (1918 – 1949)
June 30th 2011 – January 15th 2012
Esterhazy Palace
Autor of Concept: Aurel Hrabušický
Curators: Aurel Hrabušický, Katarína Bajcurová, Petra Hanáková, Dagmar Poláčková
The exhibition shows the penetration of modern civilization into Slovak society from 1918 to 1948/49. The picture of modernizing Slovakia as captured by visual arts, architecture and design is the key theme. Modern life was only a marginal theme within the framework of the Slovak art of this period. The expressions of modern life in a country practically devoid of industry, with a prevailing rural population, were manifested gradually, slowly and frequently in a contradictory context. Classical gallery material is supplemented by film projections at five locations throughout the gallery, which are loosely connected to the individual chapters of the exhibition.
The exhibition approaches the theme from several perspectives.
The Exhibition was supported by Enel Company.
Juraj JurkovičDouble PortraitBefore 1938SNG
Closing event of the exhibition New Slovakia -- (difficult) Birth of The New Lifestyle (1918 – 1949) / 15.1.2012 at 4 pm
Curatorial speech: Aurel Hrabušický
Concert of Bratislava Hot Serenaders Orchestra
SNG, Esterhazy palace, Atrium, Ľ. Štúr Square n.4, Bratislava
Free Entrance
Miloš DohnányWinter Street1935 – 1943Private Collection
Ján GalandaAirship over the Mediterranean Sea1935Private Collection
Gejza SchillerIn the Coffee House1924Easternslovakian Gallery Košice
Jaromír FunkeCity Savings Bank1932Private Collection
Alžbeta Gϋnterová-MayerováDesign of Advertisement Layout20' of The 20th CenturySlovak National Gallery, Art Archives
Július JakobyWashing Bottles1935Easternslovakian Gallery Košice
Eugen ŽunkoSummer CaféBefore 1945Private Collection
Ester Šimerová-MartinčekováInternational Danube Fair1931Slovak National Museum Bratislava
Mikuláš GalandaThe Reading Girl1919 – 1923Turiec Gallery Martin
Ladislav ČemickýLeave-Taking1935The City Gallery of Bratislava
Ľudovít FullaSet Design for O. Wild's Play Lady Windermeere’s Fan1933Slovak National Gallery