Martin BenkaOrientmesse1921Paper, colour lithography, 71 x 98 cm
UP P 2395
The Poster and Graphic Design Collection originated in 1962 as “promotional applied graphic art” as a result of the fact that the SNG took over the collection of posters from the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague. Later, a set of posters was transferred from the SNG Department of Graphic Art and the Pravda publishing house. The collection was continuously built in a similar way until the end of the 1960s. Thus the collection of posters of a qualitatively different level by Slovak and Czech artists dating back to the beginning of the century was constituted. Czech artists such as Stanislav Kolíbal, Ladislav Sutnar, Jan Rajlich, František Bělohlávek, Stanislav Duda, Jiří Rathouský, Josef Flejšar, Milan Hegar, Alfons Mucha, Cyril Bouda, František Kysela, Václav Kaplický represent the best pieces. The unique posters published by the Eastern Slovakia Museum in Košice, which were frequently designed by prominent exhibiting artists such as Eugen Krón, Alexander Bortnyik, Ľudovít Fulla, Róbert Berény, Alžbeta Groszová, Martin Benka, František Reichentál and others, are represented in the collection from the interwar period. By the end of the 1960s, the selection method for building the collection was implemented when acquisitions from other fields of applied graphic art began to appear sporadically. However despite these efforts, the collection as a whole remains a collection of the posters of the 1960s. The 1960s are represented by the following artists who strove to continue the current world trends in typography by composing in the area of drawing and painting and through photography: Alojz Riškovič, Čestmír Pechr, Jozef Turzo, Andrej Barčík, Ivan Štěpán, Milan Veselý, Marian Čunderlík, Peter Mandzjuk, Ján Meisner, Rudolf Altrichter, Zoltán Salamon. By the end of the 1970s, the generation of 1948, which affected the development of Slovak poster work by its distinctive typography, enters the scene. Artists such as Ľubomír Longauer, Vladislav Rostoka, Pavol Choma, Jozef Dóka junior, Svetozár Mydlo, Tomáš Berka and Dušan Junek are represented here. The relatively extensive collection of political posters is of varying quality. The collection was oriented on acquisitions of the following artists in the course of the 1970s and 1980s: Jozef Chovan, Oto Lupták, Štefan Bednár, Ľudovít Ilečko, Milan Spál, Štefan Štefka, Ladislav Čisárik. The collection of film posters of Milan Grygar, Zdenek Ziegler, Vladimír Bidlo, Josef Vyleťal, significant Czech designers of the 1960s, is also valuable. The cultural posters of Slovak anti-fascists such as Rudolf Altrichter, Ivan Štěpán, Milan Veselý, Miloš Urbásek, Emil Drličiak are also represented. It also contains the collection of the trademark designs of Vladislav Rostoka, Dušan Junek and Miroslav Cipár, as well as a collection of graphic designs of catalogues and books by Jozef Cincík, Ladislav Csáder and Martin Benka. The cover of the book Demontáž / Dismantling (1929), created by Ľudovít Fulla, is another of the unique acquisitions from the interwar period. The collection also grew through extensive donations of Ivan Štěpán, Pavol Choma, Ľubomír Longauer, Vladislav Rostoka and Juraj Králik.
Curator of the Poster and Graphic Design Collection: Viera Kleinová
Ľudovít FullaFulla and Galanda1930Paper, print, 95 x 63 cm
UP P 873
Čestmír PechrMill1965Paper, print, 85 x 61 cm
UP P 2122
Alojz RiškovičGalanda1963Paper, print, 83.5 x 59 cm
UP P 1454
Rudolf AltrichterDangerous Acquaintances1969Paper, print, 84.5 x 59.5 cm
UP P 3026
Ivan ŠtěpánSweet Time of Kalimagdora1967Paper, print, 85 x 61 cm
UP P 3045
Ivan ŠtěpánSculpture of Piešťany Parks1970Plastic, metal, paper, print, 23 x 20.5 x 5 cm
UP P 2992
Vladislav RostokaThe New Sorrows of Young Werther1981Paper, print, 95 x 65 cm
UP P 2385
Tomáš BerkaA Cart Full of Pain1985Paper, print, 84 x 58.5 cm
UP P 2750
The most significant acquisitions of the Poster and Graphic Design Collection (selection)
Martin Benka: Orientmesse, 1921, paper, colour lithography, 71 x 98 cm – UP P 2395
Ľudovít Fulla: Fulla and Galanda, 1930, paper, print, 95 x 63 cm – UP P 873
Ľudovít Fulla: J. Rob Poničan – Dismantling, 1929, paper, print, 21 x 13 cm – UP P 3272
Jozef Cincík: J. Bodenek – Passionate Heart, 1939, paper, print, 20.4 x 12.9 cm – UP P 3152
Ladislav Csáder: V. Mayakovsky – Lenin, 1950, paper, print, 24 x 17.1 cm – UP P 3153
Štefan Bednár: 9 May 1957, paper, print, 92 x 120 cm – UP P 2330
Čestmír Pechr: Mill, 1965, paper, print, 85 x 61 cm – UP P 2122
Alojz Riškovič: Galanda, 1963, paper, print, 83.5 x 59 cm – UP P 1454
Rudolf Altrichter: Dangerous Acquaintances, 1969, paper, print, 84.5 x 59.5 cm – UP P 3026
Milan Veselý: Soirée, 1968, paper, print, 87 x 61cm – UP P 3087
Ivan Štěpán: The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora, 1967, paper, print, 85 x 61 cm – UP P 3045
Ivan Štěpán: Sculpture of Piešťany Parks, 1970, plastic, metal, paper, print, 23 x 20.5 x 5 cm – UP P 2992
Zoltán Salamon: Triennial of Naïve Art, 1971, paper, print, 115 x 82 cm – UP P 3155
Vladislav Rostoka: The New Sorrows of Young Werther, 1981, paper, print, 95 x 65 cm – UP P 2385
Tomáš Berka: A Cart Full of Pain, 1985, paper, print, 84 x 58.5 cm – UP P 2750
Emil Drličiak: Description of a Picture, 1999, paper, print, 100 x 70 cm – UP P 2885
The most significant exhibitions of the Poster and Graphic Design Collection (selection)
Bojujúci plagát / Battling Poster
Curator: A. Osmitzová
Bratislava, House of Arts, 22 June – 18 July 1976, reinstallation in Ružomberok
Pozdrav októbru / Greetings to October
Curator: A. Osmitzová
Bratislava, SNG, November – December 1979
Divadelný plagát. Situácia 1980 – 1990 / Theatre Poster. Situation 1980 - 1990
Curator: D. Poláčková
Bratislava, SNG, 23 April – 31 May 1992, Re-installations Dunajská Streda, Zvolen Castle, Budapest
Finis Terrae. Plagát 90. rokov. / Poster of the 1990s.
Curator: D. Poláčková
Zvolen, SNG Zvolen Castle, 12 June – 7 September 1997
Krásna kniha. / Belles Lettres.
Curator: I. Gazdík
Bratislava, SNG, 2 December – 31 December 1998
Krásna kniha a ilustrácia / Belles Lettres and Illustration
Curator: I. Gazdík
Bratislava, SNG, 18 January – 25 March 2001
Curator: D. Poláčková
Bratislava, SNG, 13 April – 20 June 1999
Ľudovít Fulla
Curator: K. Bajcurová
Bratislava, SNG, 28 February – 25 August 2002
Slovenský plagát / Slovak Poster
Curator: D. Poláčková
Vienna, Rathaus Wien, (?) September 2004 - (?) September 2004
(ne)stále expozície umenia 20. storočia / (non)permanent expositions of 20th century art
Curators: A. Kusá, D. Poláčková and team
Bratislava, SNG, from 2005
Slovenský mýtus / Slovak Myth
Curators: K. Bajcurová, A. Kusá, A. Hrabušický.
Cooperation: P. Hanáková, E. Kurincová, P.Maráky, M. Mitášová, D. Poláčková
Bratislava, SNG and SNM, 29 September – 3 December 2006