Archive SNGMiloš A. Bazovský
Fine Art Archives of the Slovak National Gallery
The Fine Art Archives of the SNG are incorporated in the Section of the Research and Development within the group of specialized public archives. Thematically, it is oriented on the history of the SNG, as well as on the history of fine art in Slovakia in general, and personal collections of significant representatives of Slovak fine art and fine-art history.
The activities of the Fine Art Archives are carried out in compliance with Act No. 395/2002 Coll. on Archives and Registries as amended and Regulation No. 628/2002 Coll. of the Ministry of Interior of the SR that regulates certain provisions of the Act on Archives and Registries as amended. The main task of the Fine Art Archives is the universal care of the SNG archive collections and other archive collections which includes their acquisition, documenting, expert and scientific processing, preservation and providing access to the lay and professional public. The Fine Art Archives access the archive documents through archive aids – inventories – the electronic version of which is also publicized on the website. On-site studying with the possibility of using reprographic services (scanner, copying machine) is regulated by the Research Rules of the Fine Art Archives.
Head of the Archive
Kučerová Bodnárová Katarína, Mgr. PhD.
Department Staff
Šafárová Zuzana, Mgr.
Písečná Eva
Slovak National Gallery
Fine Art Archives of the Slovak National Gallery
Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra 4, Bratislava
tel.: 00-421-2-20 49 62 17