Archív SNGVšetky vizuálne materiály v zbierkach i archívoch sa postupne digitalizujú
Department of Digital Collections and Services
The Department of Digital Collections and Services is incorporated in the Section of the Research and Development. It administers and accesses the digital content preserved in the Slovak National Gallery. Pursuant to the valid legislation for Slovak galleries creating collections, this department develops and operates the information system of the central records of the gallery collection items - CEDVU (Centrálna evidencia diel výtvarného umenia – Central Records of the Fine Art Works). The records are also available to interested parties in the form of a card index (central catalogue). Studying at the central catalogue is regulated by the Internal Regulations of the SNG on Access to Data in the Central Records of the Gallery Collection Items. Individuals who would like to study in the reading room of the central catalogue or conduct research from the central database is must submit an application (annex to the Internal Regulations).
In connection with the publication, promotional and scientific and research activities of the institution, it coordinates the digitalizing of the works of fine art. It passes on its experience to other galleries in the form of consultations and recommendations. It also enables the publicizing of data regarding the works in the collections of Slovak collection-creating galleries and digital reproductions of their collections within the framework of the Web Art project. It is also responsible for their access through the services operated by other organizations (Europeana). This department also administers and accesses other digital collections for the internal needs of the SNG – publication, promotional and research materials. It coordinates the acquisition of statistical data on the activities of the galleries in the Slovak Republic and subsequently processes them in the required form.
Head of the Department
Bahurinská Jana, PhDr.
Department Staff
Hergott Vladimír
Čudrnák Michal, Mgr.
Adamčiaková Zlatica, Mgr.
Slovak National Gallery
Hurbanove kasárne, Kollárovo nám. 10, Bratislava
Riečna 1, 815 13 Bratislava
Tel.: 00-421-2-20 47 61 41